We encourage students to engage with vocational learning activities, such as work experience, work placements, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. These activities assist students to decide of potential career pathways and opportunities.

External activities are when a DECYP student is not on a DECYP site and not directly supervised by a DECCP staff member. These are:

  • Apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Vocational placements as part of a VET course
  • Work experience and work-based learning activities


  • DECYP Vocational Learning:  03 6165 5404
  • Police: Criminal Incident:  000
  • Office of the Independent Regulator: 1800 754 728
  • WorkSafe Tasmania: 1300 366 322
  • Strong Families Safe Kids 1800 000 123

When DECYP students (under 18 years old) are undertaking external activities, we want them to be safe in workplaces. We offer guidelines below for organisations involved with vocational learners, students and parents on how to keep our young people safe in workplaces.

Direct employers of apprentices/trainees

This applies to organisations who have directly employed an apprentice/trainee.

To adhere to pertinent legislations

Please use these guidelines and resources to assist to create a safe workplace for young people.

To find out more about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework

  • Watch the video on the front page
  • Go to the Office of the Independent Regulator Organisations | Office of the Independent Regulator
  • Use the templates for a code of conduct and youth safe policy- if you don’t already have them
  • Consider how to incorporate the 10 standards into your everyday practice


RTOs and GTOs

This applies to Registered Training Organisations who engage with DECYP students and Group Training Organisations who engage with DECYP students.

To adhere to pertinent legislations:

Please use these guidelines and resources to assist to create a safe workplace for young people.

To find out more about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework:

  • Watch the video on the front page
  • Go to the Office of the Independent Regulator Organisations | Office of the Independent Regulator
  • Use the templates for a code of conduct and youth safe policy- if you don’t already have them
  • Consider how to incorporate the 10 standards into your everyday practice
  • Use the Reportable Conduct Scheme for reportable incidents.


Work based learning and vocational placements

Some organisations who engage with young people (under the age of 18 years old) do need to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (CYSO).  

To see if you need to comply go to: Office of the Independent Regulator: Who must comply. If you need to comply, you will also need to follow the Reportable Conduct Scheme.

Organisations who have DECYP students for work experience, work placements or vocational placements, who are not legislated to comply with CYSO Act are encouraged to adopt the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (CYSOF) – as best practice for keeping students safe in workplaces.

Please use these guidelines and resources to assist to create a safe workplace for young people.

To find out more about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework:

  • Watch the video on the front page
  • Go to the Office of the Independent Regulator Organisations | Office of the Independent Regulator
  • Use the templates for a code of conduct and youth safe policy- if you don’t already have them
  • Consider how to incorporate the 10 standards into your everyday practice


Students and Parents

We are committed to have all students safe, respected and engaged with learning whilst they are in workplaces. To prepare students for workplaces, we provide Canvas training modules for students undertaking apprenticeships/traineeships or work placements/experiences. These educate students about expectations of behaviours in workplaces, their school co-ordinator will ensure they complete these modules prior to a workplace.

Students who are undertaking work- based learning will have their school teacher co-ordinate their placements/experiences, they will offer pastoral care and support, and assist parents and students to optimise on their off-site learning experience.

Students who are undertaking part-time apprenticeships /traineeships will have a school co-ordinator who will co-ordinate their training and offer pastoral care.

Students who are exempted from attending school and are on an approved learning plan will be provided support and assistance from their apprenticeship network providers.


Support services for students in the workplace.

DECYP Teachers

DECYP schools appoint a co-ordinator for students who are wanting to undertake:

  • Apprenticeship/traineeship
  • Work based learning- work-based placement or experience
  • Vocational placement- as part of a VET course

Prior to students engaging with an external work-place they will have students complete Canvas training modules to prepare students for the workplace.

Teachers will also co-ordinate external activities and provide pastoral care and support when required.