We release annual public reports with important information on the department. These reports include data on student numbers, infrastructure, budgets and more.
Government, schools, teachers and parents may use these reports to find better ways to support our students.

We also release data regularly through our data and statistics portal. Prior to 2023, this data was made available through Annual Key Data Set releases. Previous Annual Key Data Set releases can be found below.
Additional data on Tasmanian education and services for children, youth and families is available from a variety of sources.
Public Sources of Data
ACARA and My School website
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority.
The My School website provides data on each Australian school student enrolments and socio-economic profile, student attendance, national literacy and numeracy test results (NAPLAN) and finances.
Other key education data reported by ACARA include:
- National reporting of NAPLAN
- National Assessment Programs- sample assessments
- National reporting on Schooling.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publishes national trends in early years, education and training. Key publications reporting education data include:
- Schools Australia (ABS Cat No. 4221.0)
- Preschool Australia (ABS Cat No. 4240.0).
Australian Early Development Census
The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is conducted nationally every three years. Census data highlighting early childhood development outcomes at a community level can be found using the AEDC data-explorer.
Report on Government Services
The annual Report on Government Services (RoGS) offers information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. Volume B relates to childcare, education and training.
The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) website reports data on senior secondary attainment at a state and school level.
Information Access and Disclosure
You may access more data depending on the intended use and subject to compliance with departmental policy and the Personal Information Protection Act 2004.
To apply for access to unpublished data, complete the Information Access and Disclosure Proforma (docx, 100KB) and email it to epr@decyp.tas.gov.au.
Research in Government Schools
Research in Tasmanian Government Schools involves a process outlined on the Research in Government Schools webpage.
Getting Help
For further information, please contact Data, Systems and Insights on 03 6165 5706 or email epr@decyp.tas.gov.au.