Registered Training Organisations provide nationally accredited Vocational Education and Training qualifications (VET). The DECYP RTO is the largest provider of VET in Schools (VETiS) in Tasmania. The DECYP RTO provides a broad industry validated range of VET programs for learners at Tasmanian Government high schools and colleges.
Our mission is to provide pathways into further education or employment for young Tasmanians to contribute to a successful, skilled and innovative workforce.
The RTO is advised by a diverse board of principals and industry experts. We have a Director/CEO who reports directly to the Secretary of DECYP. The Office of the RTO leads both the day-to-day operations of the RTO and policy direction.
VET Teachers participate in Communities of Practice three to four times per year where validation and professional learning activities take place and connections with industry are maintained.
Our current delivery sites
- Ashley School
- Bayview Secondary College
- Burnie High School
- Campbell Town District High School
- Claremont College
- Devonport High School
- Don College
- Elizabeth College
- Exeter High School
- Hellyer College
- Hobart College
- Jordan River Learning Federation
- Kings Meadows High School
- Launceston College
- Lilydale District School
- New Norfolk High School
- Newstead College
- Parklands High Schools
- Penguin District School
- Prospect High School
- Queechy High School
- Rosny College
- Sheffield District High School
- Smithton High School
- Sorell District High School
- St Helens District High School
- Tasman District School
- Tasmanian eSchool
- Ulverstone Secondary College
- Wynyard High Schools
- Yolla District High Schools
The DECYP RTO has a wide range of VET qualifications on its scope to meet the needs of learners in Tasmania.
The scope of the DECYP RTO can be found at training.gov.au.
VET for school students in Tasmania provides opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in specific industries which can lead to nationally recognised qualifications. The benefits include:
- obtaining practical, hands-on experience from work
- gaining familiarity on how workplaces operate
- developing employability skills
- developing and improving interpersonal skills
- opportunities to explore potential career paths.
For further information contact us.