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Japanese 2
TCE credit points
Level 2
Hours: 150
Type: TASC
- How to speak and listen in basic Japanese
- How to read and write in basic Japanese
- Explore the culture, traditions and customs of Japanese-speaking communities
- How my life is similar or different to the lives of others the same age in Japanese-speaking countries
- Use basic vocabulary and structures to read, write, speak, view and listen to Japanese
- Talk about myself, my family and friends, daily life, school, part time employment, travel, media and future plans
- Think about how learning Japanese can improve my literacy skills
- Explore and research Japanese and Australian culture
- Is interested in living and learning as part of a global community
- Enjoys communicating and connecting with Japanese speakers and communities
- Is open to developing new perspectives and cultural understanding
This course is available at these
A-E ratings on mid and end of year reports will be replaced by a 9-point visual scale
Course Overview
You have
No previous experience
May lead to
- Further study such as Japanese Level 3
- Global work opportunities in areas such as tourism, marketing, retail, hospitality, business, education and communications, diplomacy and the arts