This qualification allows you to develop basic skills and knowledge to prepare for work in the sport and community recreation industry. It is intended to prepare you for work-readiness and further training.

  • About the sport and recreation industry
  • How to stay safe and healthy in the workplace, including First Aid
  • How to use, care and maintain equipment
  • The skills employers value in young workers.
  • Organise and run a recreation session
  • Develop my sporting skills
  • Visit sporting or recreational facilities
  • Volunteer at a sport or community event.
Has an interest in sport, the outdoor environment, and community recreation. 

Course Overview

You have

  • An interest in the outdoor environment
  • A desire to improve my practical outdoor skills.

VET course

Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

May lead to

  • Further study
  • Work in sport, recreation or fitness, retail, sports administration or customer service or other areas of interest.