The Department for Education, Children and Young People provides the following specialist services to support the access, participation and engagement of students with disability in Tasmanian government schools:
Complex Medical Training (St John Ambulance)
The department has a contract with St John Ambulance to provide competency-based assessment and training to our school staff and support personnel to enhance educational opportunities for students with complex health care needs in Tasmanian government schools.
St John Ambulance can provide the following competency-based assessment and training for DECYP schools:
- Gastrostomy / PEG management
- Tracheostomy management
- Catheter management
- Seizure management where the administration of oxygen and Midazolam is required
- Oxygen management
- Clinical skills specific to complete individual health requirements
- Advanced Resuscitation – for staff who are required to work with students with complex health care needs.
- Training will be available across Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport regions, on school sites or other sites as required, as well as online through webinars or online modules.
Training on the above topics will be provided at no cost to schools, as the services are paid for centrally via Inclusion and Diversity Services.
To access the training, view the St John Ambulance Training Info Sheet (PDF, 118KB).
Consultative Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Schools (2PS)
The purpose of the program is to support education staff to meet the diverse learning needs of students who have a primary cognitive delay with associated physical (gross and fine motor), sensory needs, and/or need support with activities of daily living.
Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy consultants can provide:
- Professional learning opportunities for education staff (teachers and teacher assistants).
- Assistance for education staff with resource development (gross, fine and life skills programs)
- Screening of students to assist teachers to cater for the learning needs of students (through programming advice), with a view to maximising their engagement and learning.
- Other incidental support (e.g. addressing minor equipment needs)
- Support for small groups of teacher assistants and students to demonstrate programming recommendations.
For further information, refer to the 2PS – Growing Capacity in Schools – Consultative Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Program Information sheet (PDF, 310KB).
This program accepts referrals from schools. Staff can complete the 2PS Program Initial Contact Request form (PDF, 66KB) (staff only access).
Consultative Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Schools (2PS)
The purpose of the program is to support education staff to meet the diverse learning needs of students who have a primary cognitive delay with associated physical (gross and fine motor), sensory needs, and/or need support with activities of daily living.
Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy consultants can provide:
- Professional learning opportunities for education staff (teachers and teacher assistants).
- Assistance for education staff with resource development (gross, fine and life skills programs)
- Screening of students to assist teachers to cater for the learning needs of students (through programming advice), with a view to maximising their engagement and learning.
- Other incidental support (e.g. addressing minor equipment needs)
- Support for small groups of teacher assistants and students to demonstrate programming recommendations.
For further information, refer to the 2PS – Growing Capacity in Schools – Consultative Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Program Information sheet.
This program accepts referrals from schools. Staff can complete the 2PS Program Initial Contact Request form (staff only access).
Inclusion and Access Coordinators
Inclusion and Access Coordinators (IAC) are experienced teachers who support school teams to make sure that students with disability have access to learning resources that will optimise their learning potential.
Inclusion and Access Coordinators work with school teams and specialists to determine the most inclusive way for students to access learning.
Inclusion and Access Coordinators facilitate professional learning for teachers, teacher assistants and specialists in areas such as technology, manual handling and other specific areas related to students with physical and medical support needs.
Inclusion and Access Coordinators also:
- Facilitate Manual Task training for school teams, and support understanding of the use of the manual task documentation.
- Support schools regarding appropriate equipment for students with disability
- Coordinate the DDA Minor Works Program (PDF, 883KB) (staff only) in collaboration with Facility Services to help local schools make reasonable accommodations to support the inclusion of students with disabilities.
- Manage the Assistive Technology Program (docx, 202KB) (staff only) to support schools with technology for students with disability.
- Provide advice to the Transport Assistance Program (PDF, 606KB) for eligible students with disability.
For further information please contact:
Mediation and Liaison Service (Life Without Barriers LWB)
The Department for Education, Children and Young People contracts Life Without Barriers to work across the state to support families of children with disability and schools.
Life Without Barriers provide a liaison and mediation service to support families and school staff develop positive and close working partnerships for children with disability in Tasmanian Government schools.
The Life Without Barriers (LWB) Education Team deliver this through a personal service, visiting families and schools as required and working with all parties to resolve problems or issues.
LWB can assist families and schools to:
- Support the learning and educational development opportunities for children with disability
- Build positive working relationships between schools and families of children with disability.
Life Without Barriers can accept referrals directly from families, schools or from Learning Services. The service is free to schools and families.
Referrals can be made via email to
For further information, refer to the Education Liaison and Mediation Services flyer (PDF, 19.9MB).
A brief Liaison and Mediation Postcard (PDF, 127KB) is also available for distribution to families as needed.
Learning Services Student Support
Hearing Services
Hearing Services (HS) support children and students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and their families. HS work with young people 0 to 18 years across the state.
HS help children and students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing access learning, play and the curriculum. Children can have extra teaching and learning programs and resources. Hearing Services employ specialist staff to work alongside children and their families.
Early Years (Birth to 4)
- Ensure equitable access, participation and engagement in early learning
- Support play, learning and child development
- Support parents and families in understanding the diagnosis
- Track progress
- Support at Hearing Australia and audiology appointments if requested
- Ensure families are well connected to services to meet their child’s learning needs
- Support and promote early sensory learning, communication and language skills
- Support to access programs in their community including Launch into Learning (LIL), Early Childhood Education and Care (ECECs) and Child and Family Learning Centres (CFLCs)
- Introduction to Auslan and assistive technology
- Support families in the transition to school process
- Support staff to build knowledge and capacity
- Liaise with NDIS providers
- Home visits and connecting families.
School Age
- Ensure equitable access, participation and engagement
- Support teachers to provide educational adjustments and develop learning plans
- Support students in schools, including explicit and specialised teaching
- Support student access to and provision of specialised supports and access to assistive technology for learning
- Auslan interpreting in schools
- Make recommendations to adapt and modify learning environments
- Collaboration between service providers including NDIS
- Support at Hearing Australia and audiology appointments if requested
- Provision of resources and materials
- Collaborate with and support family and students
- Provide professional learning and capacity building to school staff.
Refer to the Accessibility Services Referral Form (docx, 138KB).
For further information, please contact:
Inclusive Practice Team
The Inclusive Practice Team is a service for schools to support their continual improvement in inclusive practice.
Inclusive Practice Coaches are teachers with experience, knowledge and skills in:
- Inclusive Teaching Strategies: universal, targeted and intensive
- Student Behaviour: factors that impact, and evidence informed teaching strategies and supports.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating teaching strategies and supports for students with disability,
- Planning, implementing and evaluating teaching strategies supports for students impacted by trauma and other complex learning needs.
The Inclusive Practice Team provides mentoring and coaching for school staff. The team facilitates site specific, contextualised Professional Learning in collaboration with the School Support and Wellbeing Team.
Safe Homes Safe Families
We are committed to providing high-quality psychological services to foster optimal student access, participation and engagement with particular focus on literacy, numeracy & wellbeing.
All schools have access to a School Psychologist service to provide interventions for learning, engagement and positive student outcomes.
School Psychologists are nationally-registered health professionals (through AHPRA) who can translate findings from the science of Psychology into practical interventions to help students learn.
Services include:
- Assessment and diagnosis of developmental, cognitive, social-emotional (mental health) and educational functioning to gain information that is useful for learning plans and educational adjustments for student engagement
- Counselling, therapy and programs for students and schools
- Consultation and collaboration with schools, staff, parents and other professionals and organisations
- Building capacity through professional learning for school staff.
- Leadership, advice and support in response to crises and critical incidents that impact upon students, families and school communities
- Creation of respectful and collaborative relationships within school communities.
For further information, refer to the School Psychologist Fact Sheet (PDF, 281KB).
School Psychologists
School social workers engage with students and school communities to promote access, participation and engagement and the well-being of students through inclusive practice and the celebration of diversity.
Social workers are professional practitioners who provide confidential counselling and support to students and their families around a range of issues. These may include relationships, mental health difficulties, stress management, attendance issues, and grief counselling and conflict resolution. They provide assistance for families/students at risk of harm (from self or from others) such as suicide, self-harm, child protection issues or risk of homelessness. Social work services can be accessed directly by families or students, or through a referral from school staff.
Social Workers
School social workers engage with students and school communities to promote access, participation and engagement and the well-being of students through inclusive practice and the celebration of diversity.
Social workers are professional practitioners who provide confidential counselling and support to students and their families around a range of issues. These may include relationships, mental health difficulties, stress management, attendance issues, and grief counselling and conflict resolution. They provide assistance for families/students at risk of harm (from self or from others) such as suicide, self-harm, child protection issues or risk of homelessness. Social work services can be accessed directly by families or students, or through a referral from school staff.
Speech and Language Pathologists
School speech and language pathologists provide interventions for learning, engagement and positive student outcomes.
Speech and language pathologists work with students who:
- are difficult to understand when speaking
- have difficulty with understanding language (eg. question, instructions)
- have difficulty expressing themselves with words
- stutter
- have a husky, hoarse or nasal voice
- have difficulty with eating and drinking
- have a disability
- have complex communication needs
- have difficulty with literacy
- have difficulty with social skills
Speech and language pathologists assess students and provide support through:
- individual therapy
- group therapy
- home programs
- individualised class programs
- teacher assistant programs.
Speech and language pathologists work with class teachers, support teachers and teacher assistants to help students participate at school and achieve their educational goals. Speech and language pathologists also work closely with school psychologists and social workers. Some children will see a private speech and language pathologist outside of school. School speech and language pathologists will work with these providers to help children achieve the best outcomes.
For further information, visit the School Speech Pathologist page.
The Interagency Social Work Team
The Interagency Social Work team provides support to students enrolled in Tasmanian Government education settings for whom there are safety and wellbeing concerns.
The Interagency teams comprise of a principal leader and highly skilled social workers who play an important role in the Children’s Advice and Referral Alliance. They develop strong links with the Children’s Advice and Referral Service. Interagency Social Worker team members participate in multi-agency coordination/collaboration forums focussed on assessing student safety and wellbeing needs and determining required supports and interventions.
The Interagency Social Work teams work in collaboration with key school, professional support and Learning Services staff to provide intensive and targeted support around students with complex safety and wellbeing needs. They:
- undertake complex case co-ordination where student engagement and wellbeing is impacted by child safety issues
- support school staff to build understanding of the impact of trauma on children and families
- work collaboratively with relevant agencies and organisations including Child Safety Services to improve outcomes for children.
For further information, refer to the Safe Homes, Families, Communities and Children and Youth Services.
Support Teachers
Support Teachers focus on working with classroom teachers to improve outcomes for students with disability through educational adjustments.
Support Teachers assist classroom teachers to develop the learning plan in partnership with families, specialist support staff, relevant school staff and other service providers.
Classroom teachers are supported to implement and evaluate learning progress for students with disability.
The role of Support Teachers is to:
- Help optimise the educational opportunities, engagement and learning outcomes for students with disability.
- Enhance collaboration with other professional support staff to ensure expertise from a range of services.
- Ensure learners have access to a relevant curriculum and effective instruction within a positive inclusive learning environment.
For more information about the role of the Support Teacher please contact your local school.
Vision Services
Vision Services (VS) supports children and students who are blind or have low vision and their families. VS work with young people 0-18 years across the state.
VS helps children and students who are blind or have low vision. access learning, play and the curriculum. Children can have extra teaching, learning programs and resources. Vision services employ specialist staff to work alongside children and their families
Early Years (Birth to 4)
- Ensure equitable access, participation and engagement in early learning
- Support play, learning and child development
- Support parents and families in understanding the diagnosis
- Track progress
- Support at ophthalmology/optometry appointments if requested
- Ensure families are well connected to services to meet their child’s learning needs
- Support and promote orientation and mobility, early sensory learning, communication and language skills
- Support to access programs in their community including Launch into Learning (LIL), Early Childhood Education and Care (ECECs) and Child and Family Learning Centres (CFLCs)
- Introduction to Braille and assistive technology
- Support families in the transition to school process
- Support staff to build knowledge and capacity
- Liaise with NDIS providers
- Home visits and connecting families.
School Age
- Ensure equitable access, participation and engagement in education and learning
- Support teachers to provide educational adjustments and develop learning plans
- Support students in schools, including individual and specialised teaching
- Support provision of specialised supports and access to assistive technology for learning
- Make recommendations to adapt and modify learning environments
- Collaboration between service providers including NDIS
- Support at ophthalmology/optometry appointments if requested
- Provision of resources and materials including large print, audio, braille
- Collaborate with and support family and students to ensure coordinated supports for education
- Provide professional learning and capacity building to school staff.
Refer to the Accessibility Services Referral Form (docx, 138KB). (staff only)
For further information please contact: