Feeder school model
When your child is ready to attend high school, their local high school is determined by the primary school they attended when they finished Year 6.
Each primary ‘feeder’ school has one or two ‘intake high schools’.
When your child finishes primary school, they are guaranteed a place at their primary school’s intake high school.

Find your local high school by looking for the name of your local primary school in the lists below, and checking the intake high school/s for that primary school.
Intake high schools lists – by primary school
A – C
Primary School | Intake High Schools |
Albuera Street Primary School | Hobart City High School |
Andrews Creek Primary School | Latrobe High School |
Austins Ferry Primary School | Montrose Bay High School |
Bagdad Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
Beaconsfield Primary School | Exeter High School |
Bellerive Primary School | Clarence High School or Rose Bay High School |
Bicheno Primary School | St Mary’s District School |
Blackmans Bay Primary School | Kingston High School |
Boat Harbour Primary School | Wynyard High School |
Bothwell District School | Bothwell District School |
Bowen Road Primary School | Hobart City High School or Cosgrove High School |
Bracknell Primary School | Cressy District high School or Prospect High School |
Bridport Primary School | Scottsdale High School |
Brighton Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
Bruny Island District School | Woodbridge District School |
Burnie Primary School | Burnie High School |
Cambridge Primary School | Rose Bay High |
Campania District School | Campania District School |
Campbell Street Primary School | Hobart City High School or Taroona High School |
Campbell Town District School | Campbell Town District School |
Cape Barren District School | Cape Barren District School |
Clarendon Vale Primary School | Bayview Secondary College |
Collinsvale Primary School | Montrose Bay High School |
Cooee Primary School | Burnie High School |
Cygnet Primary School | Huonville High School |
D – G
Primary Schools | Intake High Schools |
Deloraine Primary School | Deloraine High School |
Devonport Primary School | Devonport High School |
Dodges Ferry Primary School | Sorell School |
Dover District School | Dover District School |
Dunalley Primary School | Sorell School or Tasman District School |
East Derwent Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
East Devonport Primary School | Reece High School |
East Launceston Primary School | Queechy High School |
East Tamar Primary School | Brooks High School |
East Ulverstone Primary School | Ulverstone High School |
Edith Creek Primary School | Smithton High School |
Evandale Primary School | Kings Meadows High School |
Exeter Primary School | Exeter High School |
Fairview Primary School | New Norfolk High School |
Fingal Primary School | St Mary’s District School |
Flinders Island District School | Flinders Island District School |
Forest Primary School | Smithton High School |
Forth Primary School | Ulverstone High School |
Franklin Primary School | Huonville High School |
Gagebrook Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
Geeveston Primary School | Huonville High School or Dover District School |
Glen Dhu Primary School | Kings Meadows High School or Prospect High School |
Glen Huon Primary School | Huonville High School |
Glenora District School | Glenora District School |
Glenorchy Primary School | Cosgrove High School or Montrose Bay High School |
Goodwood Primary School | Cosgrove High School or Montrose Bay High School |
Goulburn Street Primary School | Hobart City High School or Taroona High School |
H – M
Primary Schools | Intake High Schools |
Hagley Farm Primary School | Prospect High School |
Havenview Primary School | Parklands High School |
Herdsmans Cove Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
Hillcrest Primary School | Reece High School |
Howrah Primary School | Clarence High School |
Huonville Primary School | Huonville High School |
Illawarra Primary School | Kingston High School |
Invermay Primary School | Brooks High School |
Kempton Primary School | Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF) Senior School |
King Island District School | King Island District High School |
Kingston Primary School | Kingston High School |
Lansdowne Crescent Primary School | Hobart City High School or Taroona High School |
Latrobe Primary School | Latrobe High School |
Lauderdale Primary School | Bayview Secondary College |
Lenah Valley Primary School | Hobart City High School or Cosgrove High School |
Lilydale District School | Lilydale District School |
Lindisfarne North Primary School | Rose Bay High School |
Lindisfarne Primary School | Rose Bay High School |
Longford Primary School | Cressy District High School or Kings Meadows High School |
Margate Primary School | Kingston High School |
Miandetta Primary School | Reece High School |
Mole Creek Primary School | Deloraine High School |
Molesworth Primary School | New Norfolk High School |
Montagu Bay Primary School | Rose Bay High School |
Montello Primary School | Burnie High School or Parklands High School |
Moonah Primary School | Cosgrove High School or Hobart City High School |
Mount Nelson Primary School | Taroona High School |
Mount Stuart Primary School | Hobart City High School or Taroona High School |
Mountain Heights School | Mountain Heights School |
Mowbray Heights Primary School | Brooks High School |
N – R
Primary Schools | Intake High Schools |
Natone Primary School | Burnie High School |
New Norfolk Primary School | New Norfolk High School |
New Town Primary School | Hobart City High School or Cosgrove High School |
Nixon Street Primary School | Devonport High School |
Norwood Primary | Queechy High School |
Oatlands District High School | Oatlands District High School |
Orford Primary School | Triabunna District School |
Ouse District School | New Norfolk High School or Glenora District School |
Penguin District School | Penguin District School |
Perth Primary School | Kings Meadows High School |
Port Dalrymple District School | Port Dalrymple District School |
Port Sorell Primary School | Latrobe High School or Sheffield High School |
Princes Street Primary School | Taroona High School |
Punchbowl Primary School | Queechy High School |
Ravenswood Heights Primary School | Brooks High School or Queechy High School |
Redpa Primary School | Smithton High School |
Riana Primary School | Penguin District School |
Richmond Primary School | Campania District School or Rose Bay High School |
Ridgley Primary School | Parklands High School |
Ringarooma Primary School | Scottsdale High School |
Risdon Vale Primary School | Rose Bay High School |
Riverside Primary School | Riverside High School |
Rokeby Primary School | Bayview Secondary College |
Romaine Park Primary School | Parklands High School |
Rosebery District School | Rosebery District School |
Rosetta Primary School | Montrose Bay High School |
S – Z
Primary Schools | Intake High Schools |
Sandy Bay Infant School/Waimea Heights Primary School | Taroona High School |
Sassafras Primary School | Latrobe High School |
Scottsdale Primary School | Scottsdale High School |
Sheffield School | Sheffield School |
Smithton Primary School | Smithton High School |
Snug Primary School | Kingston High School |
Somerset Primary School | Burnie High School |
Sorell School | Sorell School |
South Arm Primary School | Bayview Secondary College |
South George Town Primary School | Port Dalrymple District School |
South Hobart Primary School | Taroona High School |
Sprent Primary School | Ulverstone High School |
Spreyton Primary School | Latrobe High School or Reece High School |
Springfield Gardens Primary School | Cosgrove High School |
St Helens District School | St Helens District School |
St Leonards Primary School | Queechy High School |
St Marys District School | St Marys District School |
Stanley Primary School | Smithton High School |
Strahan Primary School | Mountain Heights School |
Summerdale Primary School | Prospect High School |
Swansea Primary School | Triabunna District School |
Table Cape Primary School | Wynyard High School |
Trevallyn Primary School | Riverside High School |
Ulverstone Primary School | Ulverstone High School |
Waimea Heights Primary School | Taroona High School |
Warrane Primary School | Rose Bay High School |
Waverley Primary School | Queechy High School |
West Launceston Primary School | Prospect High School or Riverside High School |
West Ulverstone Primary School | Ulverstone High School |
Westbury Primary School | Deloraine High School |
Westerway Primary School | Glenora District School |
Wilmot Primary School | Devonport High School |
Windermere Primary School | Montrose Bay High School |
Winnaleah District School | Winnaleah District School |
Woodbridge District School | Woodbridge District School. |
Yolla Primary School | Yolla District High School |
Young Town Primary School | Kings Meadows High School |
Zeehan Primary School | Mountain Heights School or Rosebery District High School |
Year 11 and 12
Students in Year 11 and 12 can enrol at the school that best suits their current circumstances and future aspirations. This may be:
- their local high school (7-12)
- district school (K-12)
- one of our colleges (Year 11 and 12 only).
Have your say on current feeder school arrangements
We are currently reviewing feeder school arrangements. This includes reviewing current feeder school arrangements. We are considering a range of potential options including:
- changes to current feeder school arrangements
- retaining current arrangements
- considering intake areas for high schools.
You can have your say by completing an online survey by the end of Term 3 2023.
We will also contact School Association Committees for primary schools in Greater Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport in Term 3 2023 to seek their views.
Can I choose which school I send my child to?
- We encourage families to enrol at their local ‘in-area’ school.
- You may seek to enrol your child in a government school that is not your local school, if that school has capacity to accept ‘out-of-area’ enrolments.
- You can find a list of schools that are at-capacity or nearing capacity on our Schools at Enrolment Capacity webpage.
- Schools use the Out-of-Area Enrolment Procedure (PDF, 516KB) to apply a consistent, equitable and transparent approach to assess out-of-area enrolment requests.
- If you would like to enrol your child as an out-of-area enrolment, and the school has capacity, they will provide you with an Expression of Interest form.
- Schools use the completed form and the evidence that you are required to provide, to prioritise enrolments according to standard criteria contained in the Out-of-Area Enrolment Procedure (PDF, 516KB).
- If the number of out-of-area enrolment applications exceeds the number of out-of-area enrolments the school can accommodate, the school will prioritise applications based on set criteria outlined in the Out-of-Area Enrolment Procedure.
Benefits of attending your local school
We asked families about the benefits of attending your local Tasmanian government school. They said that they valued:
- increased sense of connection to the local community.
- shorter travel times to and from school.
- living close to school, meaning students can walk or ride to school.
- ease for students to catch up with their friends outside school.
- the feeling of being close to home while they’re at school.