To arrange a booking for your class, contact one of our field study centres.

Hagley Farm School Visitor Centre
A working farm offering engaging and inspiring experiential learning through the lenses of heritage, animals, and farm environments.
Visit the Hagley Farm School Visitor Centre website.
Phone: 03 6392 2272.
2508 Meander Valley Road, Hagley.

Molesworth Environment Centre
Providing excellent opportunities for K-12 students to learn in and about our environment in the picturesque Molesworth Valley.
Specialising in team building activities where students are taught resilience and persistence through problem solving activities.
Information about the Centre is available on the Moleworth Primary School website.
Phone 03 6261 1323 or 03 6261 2091.
540 Molesworth Road, Molesworth.

Mount Cameron Field Study Centre
A self-contained facility offering camping and outdoor activities such as bushwalking, kayaking, and abseiling. Camps can be constructed to suit your class requirements.
Information about the Centre is available on the Scottsdale High School website.
Phone 03 6352 6333.
The Centre is located in the Mount Cameron Range in North East Tasmania.

Sustainability Learning Centre
The Sustainability Learning Centre is an innovative and visionary purpose built field study centre which offers engaging education programs both on and off site.
Visit the Sustainability Learning Centre website.
Phone 03 6220 3442.
50 Olinda Grove, Mount Nelson.

Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre
The Centre houses fully equipped teaching areas, an aquarium room, marine pond and touch tanks, as well as displays of marine life and human impacts.
Students learn about, discover and care for the marine environment through diverse shore and sea based programs.
Information about the Centre is available on the Woodbridge Primary School website.
Phone 6267 4649.
Jetty Road, Woodbridge.
The value of specialist learning facilities
Some types of learning either require, or benefit from, specialist facilities that:
- provide access to tools, equipment and resources for learning that are not universally available in schools
- enable interactive, engaged, immersive learning
- provide specialist expertise to facilitate students’ learning
- develop educators’ knowledge and understanding.
Access to specialist expertise and unique learning contexts
At each Field Study Centre there are experienced teachers who work in unique environments to provide tailored, engaging and hands-on programs mapped to the Australian Curriculum to inform, reinforce and enrich classroom learning.