Generally there is no minimum age to start casual or part-time work in Tasmania but there are age restrictions for certain types of work.
Contact Work SafeTasmania for more information about employment conditions.
- You are not permitted to work for an employer during school hours, unless an Application for Part-time Attendance (docx, 90KB) or Application for Exemption from Attending School (PDF, 501KB) is completed and approved in advance.
- From Year 10, you can undertake an Australian School-based Apprenticeship. This is a paid, employment-based training arrangement you’ll be in an apprenticeship while also continuing your compulsory schooling.
Your school would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and the kind of work you are interested in, and how they can support and encourage your aspirations.
Leaving education and training to undertake employment
- It’s important to stay at school until you complete Year 12. All Tasmanian students must participate in education and training until they complete Year 12, attain a Certificate III, or turn 18 (whichever occurs first).
- If you haven’t met the school leaving requirements, you must demonstrate that you have secured full-time employment using the Application for Exemption from Attending School (PDF, 501KB) before leaving education and training to undertake employment. Full-time employment is a minimum of 35 hours a week of work.
- If you are 17 years old or older and plan to undertake part-time study and employment, you need to complete and have approved an Application for Part-time Attendance (docx, 90KB).
- These applications require you to demonstrate that it is in your best interests to be exempt from attending school.